I’m pleased to announce that, along with two other artists, my design proposal has been shortlisted for an art installation in a prominent place in Keith, Moray. The brief was to produce something that speaks of the heritage, present day use and hopes for future use of Doric. Doric is a dialect of the Scots language as spoken in the North East of Scotland. Despite my own accent becoming very ‘southernised’ after living in London for many years, Doric was and is still spoken by many of my family and it holds a dear place in my heart. My design is a 3m tall sandstone pillar carved with doric words, surrounded on three sides by an oak bench. On top of the pillar I have proposed adding a scrolling LED banner showing Doric word of the day which will be chosen by visitors to the local community website. Keith was the first town to be made ‘Scots Toon’.
Maquette of proposed stone pillar